The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118151   Message #2552088
Posted By: PoppaGator
29-Jan-09 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: What gender is your instrument?
Subject: RE: What gender is your instrument?
I've never thought of my guitar as either male or female. As someone has already suggested, music ideally transcends gender ~ right?

I don't indulge in instrument naming, either. Doesn't mean I don't treasure my guitar, just because I don't anthropomorphize it.

When my brother visited recently, he surprised me by saying, "Hey! Marty's here!" ~ referring to my Martin in its stand in the corner of the living room. (I used to keep it in its case, less visible and less accessible.) It took me a second or two to realize what he was talking about.

I suppose that the name "Marty" is usually male, although some women use it as a nickname/short-form of Martina, Martha, etc.