The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23164   Message #255209
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
10-Jul-00 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: MUDCAT VOW II
Warning don't go through that link to the previous thread - probably unintentionally, it really screwed up my mudcat connection. My cookie crumbled away, and I had quite a lot of hassle getting away from those bloody banners.

So here is a link that won't do that

The Mudcat cookkie is a pretty harmless beast. You can get software which enables you to selectively allow cookies you feel safe with, while eliminating all the rest.

But it isn't GUESTS who identify themselevs that irritate me, and it isn't pseudonyms. I've no particular interest in who people are, over and above what they care to let us know (which is always interesting) - but with unadorned GUESTS there's no way of knowing whether this one is the same as that one, even in the same thread. It destroys the whole sense of conversation. It's graffiti. And though you can get interesting graffiti it's pretty rare - and anyway it's a different type of game.