The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118174   Message #2552612
Posted By: SteveMansfield
30-Jan-09 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: John Kirkpatrick on BBC2 last night-Victorian farm
Subject: John Kirkpatrick on BBC2 last night
So there we were watching 'The Victorian Farm' on BBC2 last night; it's a 'living history' programme, a group of people running a farm using Victorian technology, one of the better of that type of programme. Who should appear at the May Day celebration but John Kirkpatrick.

Some decent music on anglo and one-row, and a bit of chat about the history of the May Day events. Worth watching on the iPlayer, or I think it's repeated on Sunday, if you want to jump straight to JK's bit go for about 50 minutes in (thereby missing all the stuff about boiling pig's heads that made me so glad I'm a vegetarian!)