The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118184   Message #2552813
Posted By: Rasener
30-Jan-09 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: how to improve folk clubs
Subject: RE: how to improve folk clubs
I couldn't agree with you more Matt.

I have my own website

I have a Myspace account

Details also can be found on several websites other than my own.

For every concert, I send details to quite a number of newspapers.

The events get announced on 2 folk radio programs.

Posters get put up around the local areas, which we design ourselves. We never use the posters that each artists sends us. We have to inform people in many cases who these artist are etc etc.

Updated diaries get handed out at each event for people to take away with them.

Of course there is good old Mudcat.

On top of that, there is a core base of regulars and each new act brings a certain number of fans in. So the acts themselves ciculate to their fans.

There is only one time I didn't do most of that and that was with Vin Garbutt. Why, becuase you are normally sold out before you get the chance to publicise :-)

Having IT skills is a great asset for any organiser, especially if they can create their own websites.

I can never understand, why having booked artists, organisers sit back and just wait for it to happen. Invariably it doesn't unless you work hard on the publicity.
