The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2553466
Posted By: Teribus
31-Jan-09 - 03:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Did anybody see the exit from Davos of the Turkish PM yesterday.

General concensus seems to be that the debate should have been extended and that he should have been given time to address Shimon Peres's question regarding what the Prime Minister of Turkey would have done if confronted with a barrage of 8000+ rockets and mortar bombs fired into turkish territory from a neighbouring state.

As it was the Turkish PM was not given time to respond and he stormed out of the meeting and out of Davos vowing never to return. On arrival back in Turkey he was given a heroes reception.

I bet that after a good nights sleep he woke up and called the guy who was "chairing" the debate to thank him profusely for stepping in to prevent him (the Turkish PM) from making a complete and utter C**t of himself in front of the world and proving beyond doubt that he is a hypocrit of the first water.

Why do I say that?? Because after the Turkish PM had given his answer about diplomacy, concessions and negotiation. Shimon Peres would have asked him why that did not apply to Turkey's dealings with the Kurds and with the autonomous Kurdish region of Iraq - Correct me if I am wrong but Turkey did bomb that area?? Turkey did send in troops and armour did they not??

Of course one rule for Muslims, another for Jews, how silly of me.