The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118184   Message #2553494
Posted By: Sooz
31-Jan-09 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: how to improve folk clubs
Subject: RE: how to improve folk clubs
If you are an organiser, you should visit lots of other clubs and pinch their best ideas. However, if you are a club, you should always be aware of your members' feelings, tastes etc.

Our club had to find a new home at two days notice when the pub we used closed. We were taken in by a social club and given the use of a dismal upstairs room furnished with one huge table and moulded plastic chairs. Uninspiring to say the least - but reliable.

We've sidelined the huge table, provided new, clean cushions for the chairs, got (most) of the wall lights in working order and bought folding tables for drinks.

After visiting other clubs where there were several floor spots in each half reducing the time available for the guest, we decided to have one floor spot in each half decided in advance. This has made an enormous difference (if only to my stress levels trying to fit everyone in!)

We book the guests our members ask for and I only occasionally indulge myself!

In our singarounds we encourage our less experienced members to perform but our system of raffling the last 4 or 5 songs at the end of the evening usually ensures that visitors get some extra time. Regulars are also likely to pass on a turn to give a visitor an extra song - new material welcomed enthusiastically.

We always welcome newcomers and try to make them feel at home.

New suggestions are welcome though - we aren't claiming to be perfect!