The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117980   Message #2553499
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
31-Jan-09 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Woman Jailed For Incest
Sorry, I pressed 'submit' in error there...

Yesterday I discoverd the beautiful music of Noa Bursie...and this morning, I read her blog, which I've posted above..

This is her main page:
Noa Bursie

I needed to put her words down in this thread, not only for those who have been so wounded by things that have happened to them, and who have, so bravely, put their own words down on here...but for those who seem to think that this woman's son will regard it all as a bit of joke...

They have not an ounce of understanding in their souls....

My mother, it took 57 years for it come out, with her.

My best friend's sister in law, staggeringly beautiful, staggeringly intelligent, staggeringly emotionally bruised and battered.

My former boss's wife, who rose to be Dean of her hospital, but at night was often to be found curled up in the foetal position on her bedroom floor, trying to protect herself. It spilled out of her on the day they took me out to dinner, just prior to me leaving to have my first child. A whole group of us, their best friends amongst them...none of them ever knew before, had any inkling..until that moment, when she just needed to tell people, other than her dear husband, who'd known since he first met her.

It is the children who matter here. Only the children.

Once the perpertrators have crossed that line, they have lost any sympathy from me.