The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118240   Message #2554293
Posted By: Paul Burke
01-Feb-09 - 06:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wildcat/Unofficial Strikes in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Wildcat/Unofficial Strikes in the UK
I do support the idea that we should be careful about importing labour when it forces down conditions for local workers. But it's just a little more complicated than that. These contracts were made probably years ago. The contractors recruited their workforces probably a year or more ago, when employment was pretty full in Britain for anyone with the necessary skills. They don't want to sack an existing workforce, and have to take on and probably train new ones, who are hammering at the door only because their old jobs have gone.

"Wildcat" strikes? We have very poor employment rights in Britain compared with most other semicivilised countries.

The real worry about this wave of actions is that the labour movement is powerless, and there is no political party that supports the working class- indeed, most people deny that it exists, and are very shocked to find that they are working class, when they cease to be working. This denial gives the racist parties a crack to push their skrewdriver into, blaming not cynical employers and fatcat bosses* but foreigners (and how long before pakis, coons and pikies?) for their problems.

*Politics of envy? Is that worse than the politics of gluttony and avarice?