The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2554506
Posted By: CarolC
01-Feb-09 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
I didn't identify the J Street group at all. What I posted about them came from their "about" page.

What Noa Bursie is doing is spreading a lot of racist and hatemongering lies about Arabs and about people who oppose the military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. The one about the Arab nations supporting the Nazis, for instance. This is what the Encyclopedia Britannica has to say about it...

"The Arabs of Palestine remained largely quiescent throughout the war. Amīn al-Ḥusaynī had fled—by way of Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Italy—to Germany, whence he broadcast appeals to his fellow Arabs to ally with the Axis powers against Britain and Zionism. Yet the mufti failed to rally Palestinian Arabs to the Axis cause. Although some supported Germany, the majority supported the Allies, and approximately 23,000 Arabs enlisted in the British forces (especially in the Arab Legion)."

And she is also trying to make it look like anyone who supports human rights for Palestinians is an anti-Semite (another oft repeted hatemongering lie). Considering the fact that there are many thousands of Jews who support human rights for Palestinians (possibly millions), she must either think that Jews who do that are anti-Semites, or self-hating Jews.

There are a lot of people who believe that Israel deserves to live in peace, but that this is not what the government of Israel has in mind for Israel at this time, and that, instead, it will opt for war, as it always has, in order to increase the size of its borders, and to clear the non-Jews out of the areas that it wants for itself. I happen to be one of those. Calling me an anti-Semite because of that belief on my part is most definitely a smear, and a smear with no basis in reality. People like that use the term anti-Semite as a way of silencing dissent. That is not a legitimate use of the term anti-Semite.