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Thread #118213   Message #2554982
Posted By: 3refs
01-Feb-09 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trash Talk
Subject: RE: BS: Trash Talk
I took the weekend to contemplate your replies. Having done 2 more games. One of which was the same age group as I did in Barrie. There I said it! The other team was from Bradford. I payed just a little more attention than usual, but for two reasons. One is obviously about the origional posting. The other pertained to the U.F.C fight that took place on Saturday nigh between Georges St.Pierre of Montreal and B.J. Penn of Hawaii. The fight took place about midnight, but the pre-fight build up started at 6:00pm. This was a much anticipated championship fight. They put the spotlight on both combatants, back and forth, in little blips about this and that and everything else. St Pierre was nothing but a gentleman throughout the whole ordeal, from start to finish. He did the sport proud! B.J Penn, on the other hand, was nothing but an asshole. I've seen the stuff that left his lips about St Pierre result in death and I don't say that without having witnessed it firsthand! I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. Worst than any Mike Tyson rant. I was so glad that St Pierre, as gentlemanly as possible, kicked the shit out of him until Penn quit at the end of the 4th round! Like the "Pussy" he called St.Pierre. That was probably the least offensive thing I could repeat.

The hockey game wasn't all that much better.

I won't disagree with anyone else about the reasons they feel this type of behaviour has evolved over the years in sports. I will say this about hockey though. Every year some kid gets hurt, or once in a lifetime, some freak accident will results in a death. They put a band aide on whatever the issue might have been. They put more equipment on the kids! They change the rules. They make you take special courses. What happens? More kids get hurt. More incidents of unacceptable behavior take place(Sean Avery comes to mind). I say take off the gladiator gear, identify the loud mouths and the dirty players and kick the shit out of them and get on with the game!!