The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #116430   Message #2555328
Posted By: Mrs.Duck
02-Feb-09 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's Snowing...!
Subject: RE: BS: It's Snowing...!
I woke up to 8" this morning (lucky me ;0)) and hoped school would be shut but when I rang the head she said they hadn't had more than an inch or two in Rotherham so it was work as usual. Had a really easy journey as all the roads had been gritted and there weren't many cars. My own kids schools were both closed so they have spent the day building snowmen and having snowball fights. The blizzards hit Rotherham by lunchtime so after parents were contacted the kids were sent home and we got to come home too. Its still snowing but wetter. I'm hoping it will continue over night and I can curl up under the duvet but won't know until 7.30 tomorrow morning.