The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118070   Message #2555876
Posted By: mouldy
03-Feb-09 - 02:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
Subject: RE: BS: Good thoughts needed for my daughter....
Just caught up with this one - you must be climbing the walls! I just hope that if they had the suspicion that it was anything "nasty" they would have slotted her in asap.

I'll hold you in my thoughts - I know how I'd feel if it was my granddaughter.

I went through a neck lump episode with my son, when he was 3. It turned out to be a quinsy, but that one really swelled, and grew painful, and threw a fever over a matter of a couple of days. We ended up with him in hospital.
It's a frantic and nerve-wracking time for you, because you feel you should be doing something for them. Look after yourselves as well!
