The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23165   Message #255607
Posted By: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
11-Jul-00 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Do you hate silence?
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
My wife accuses me of not being able to tolerate silence indoors. The first thing I do when I enter is turn on the radio( tuned to the talk/news channel)and we have a radio in each room. Otherwise I'm listening to music or, less frequently, watching tv. She claims I am often to be found reading a book, watching tv with the sound off and listening to music all at the same time: a gross slander - I'm usually playing with a komboloi as well!
In the car it's usuall talk radio or Greek language tapes. However, outdoors I hate to hear radios, preferring birdsong (outdoors is rarely silent, here with planes, cars and trains in the distance)and other "natural" sounds, never use my discman outdoors and enjoy my holidays without radio, tv or newspapers, as long as there is some (preferably live) music around.
...and as an old fart stuck in the '50s, early rock 'n' roll as well as my beloved jazz, blues & skiffle, does feature in my listening.