The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118023   Message #2556072
Posted By: olddude
03-Feb-09 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
Subject: RE: BS: Kirsten Gillibrand great pick-US Senator, NY
Well she is my senator. I live in small town western NY. She has spent quite a lot of time here in Western NY to get a feel for the problems and concerns. I actually think she is going to be pretty good.I can pretty much say that people around here are concerned about feeding their kids and making the mortgage. The other stuff - no one is that concerned
this area has been overlooked for so long. we are like a separate state. we pay and pay and pay taxes and see nothing. Buildings raise and fall downstate, Here, we only get to pay for the service. our buffalo waterfront sits hoping for a cookie to be tossed our way that may create a few jobs. maybe she is just what we need