The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2556176
Posted By: robomatic
03-Feb-09 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
If Israel is trying to commit Genocide on Palestinians, then it should be using the same technique on the polar bears. They would triple their population in a few years.

Hamas is in a state of war with Israel, does not go by any standards of warfare such as Geneva, and does not hesitate to kill their own people without benefit of a trial if they are considered a threat in any way. They have killed far more Palestinians than the Israelis, including suspected informers and sympathizers, violaters of the Hamas interpretation of Islamic law, members of Fatah, and, of course, civilians who they use as shields and cover.

Carol, your version of the history of Israel and Israeli borders is severely colored everytime you give it because you include motivations you ascribe to Israel as opposed to just staying with facts. The war of Israeli Independence was fought against Arab States which were well armed and staffed, and the Palestinians for the most part fled in obedience to broadcasts by the Mufti who wanted them safely out of the way while the Jews were dealt with. This much is fact. What isn't fact is your argument that in '48 the Jewish side was motivated by desire for more land. I think it is more likely they were motivated by survival.

That having been said, it is no crime for Israel to seek borders that insure her survival. Having absorbed a large population of displaced Jews, it is reasonable to expect Arab countries to absorb a similarly displaced ex-Palestinian population.

The one-sided viewpoint that Israel must absorb the Palestinians as well is a major obstacle to Peace. Israel is expected to retreat to former borders which were themselves determined by conflict, AS WELL AS accept in incoming population which will end its existence as a Jewish State.

If Israel is expected to accede to multiple demands, any one of which can lead to her destruction, why be surprised when she accedes to NONE of these demands?