The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2556316
Posted By: CarolC
03-Feb-09 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
The version of history that is being colored is the one that paints the situation as if Israel is being asked to give up something that was its in the first place and that it is being asked to absorb people who were not there in the first place.

Right now, what I am saying, is not that Israel should be asked to take in anyone who is not there now. Even though someone keeps trying to frame the situation in those terms, that is a very dishonest way to frame it. What I am calling on Israel to do is to stop ethnically cleansing people from where they are now. And it's not my coloration of the situation to say that this is what they are doing and have intended to do all along. The leaders of Israel have made it clear that this was their plan since before Israel was even a state.

It is not in the least bit legal for Israel to expand its borders for any reason whatever. It is a violation of international law, to which Israel is a signatory, for it to expand its borders. It is illegal for it to take land by force. It is illegal for it to wage a military occupation of lands outside the pre-1967 borders. It is illegal for it to transfer its own population into areas that it occupies. So yes, it is most definitely a crime for Israel to expand its borders. And no matter how many times people repeat the lie that the Palestinians left voluntarily, that will not make it true.

Those people in Gaza: where do they come from, and why are they so mad?

The above link contains a day by day account (with pictures) of the Jewish taking of Jaffa by force, and it gives accounts of Palestinians fleeing (and being driven into the sea), more than four months before Israel even declared its independence.

The old lies are just that - lies. There is too much historical evidence available for people to be able to get away with repeating the standard Israeli propaganda lies any more, and the more people persist in trying to mislead the world by telling them, the more they convince the world that nothing Israel says on any subject should be believed.