The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118031   Message #2556498
Posted By: GUEST,coyote breath w/o cookie
03-Feb-09 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Honeymoon lasts 3 days
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Honeymoon lasts 3 days
I love the intelligent level of most of these posts. Thoughtful. Reasoned.

So I'd like to interject my usual half-baked take on things.

A joke on Leno: "the four words we have all been waiting to hear: Former President George Bush." that sums it up for me. and then this:
is TARP an anagram for TRAP?

Is any one surprised that some of the "bail-out billions" went to executive bonuses?

Long ago, my family was rescued by FDR. I have NEVER considered Republicans to be anything but my enemy, trying constantly, to diminish the quality of life for the average person and advance the fortunes of their friends at our expense.

F--K the Bozos!