The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23155   Message #255661
Posted By: Gary T
11-Jul-00 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: Appalled.
Subject: RE: Appalled.
Sorry, Clinton, I know your motives are honorable, but this there's only ONE race of human beings on this planet... is simply not true. Humans comprise one SPECIES, but there are several races and subraces of human beings. These are biological terms, they have definitions, and they are useful, even if we find it abhorrent to see discrimination and cruelty applied on such a flimsy basis as race.

The old feel-good liberal standby phrase, "I believe in only one race, the human race" is sweet, but largely useless. It does not make bioligical classification of race disappear, nor does it do away with racial prejudice. One might as well say "I believe in only one make of car, the American car" or "I believe in only one color of hair, the human color"--these statements are equally nonsensical. There are differences; humans by nature sort and classify differences. Denying that the differences exist and deleting the classifying words from the language doesn't solve any problems. Teaching people that the differences are no more meaningful than hair color is a more realistic approach.

On the plus side, there is no need to construct an alternative term for "racism", it quite accurately describes discrimination based on race, of which there is plenty. Terms for discrimination based on country of origin, religion, and various other classifications tend to be less compact, but they exist or are readily coined as needed.