The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2557078
Posted By: GUEST,ifor
04-Feb-09 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
Israel has just about scuppered any possibility of a just and workable two state solution by allowing, and indeed encouraging, around 400000 Zionist settlers on the illegally occupied West Bank which would have been the home of a Palestinian state if the two state solution could have been realised.

These settlers are armed to the teeth,behave like paramiltaries and their bullying of the Palestinians who live near them is a daily occurance.

They shoot,beat up and generally intimidate young and old alike.

The Israeli police and security forces usually stand by and watch and barely lift a finger to stop the settler violence and thuggery.

The situation has got so bad that Israeli human rights groups have provided the Palestinian farmers with video cameras to record the beatings and intimidation...and you can see these on the net. Its not a pretty sight seeing Settler thugs attacking homes,cars and people.

It seems to me that the two state solution has become unworkable because of the short sightedness,greed and arrogance of successive Israeli governments,always backed by the might of the USA of course.