The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118305   Message #2558852
Posted By: Ptarmigan
06-Feb-09 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: Tuesday Session, Irvine Ayrshire 3 Feb. 2009
Subject: RE: Tuesday Session, Irvine Ayrshire 3 Feb. 2009
That's a pity Goatfell.
I thought perhaps local Concertina players like Pete Heywood & Tom McDermott might be tempted to grace your session with their presence, from time to time!

Oh would that I could join you myself Goatfell, but I'm afraid it's a long trip in a Canoe, from the Glens of Antrim.

However, on my way home, to & from Edinburgh I sometimes pass that way, so you never know! :-)
