The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118410   Message #2559418
Posted By: Donuel
06-Feb-09 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: You and the stimulus plan
Subject: BS: You and the simulous plan
Don's opinion piece:

What Republicans want are tax cuts that are issued as tax returns.

Democrats want the the stimulous package to get spending on large projects, programs and job creating.

What do Americans get if larger tax return checks ( "spending your own money plan" ) are sent out?
ans. People get another Bush stimulous check UNLESS...
they owe on a credit card or a bank loan of some kind...then the banks intercept the check for themselves.

You see back in 1994 the Republican Banking commitee revamped the law so that not only bankruptcy was overhauled in favor of the banks and at the total loss for consumers in both chapter 7 and 13.
ALSO laws that allow banks to put tax return leins on the American people became even stronger

So with the tax break scheme the money will really go directly to the banks - do not pass, go directly to Banks - IF YOU OWE MONEY.

So far I have not seen the ultra wealthy private sector or banks provide any meanigful relief, loans or gifts to anyone - including between themselves.

_________________________the partisan divide---------------------------

The Democratic scheme is a grand Cainsian experiment that - if implemented - would buy time for the economy to fall slower since less than half the maney required by the Cain's formula is being injected.

Even if the experiment works the country will continue to cannabalize itself with State goverments trying to eat anything the citizens have and the citizens trying to take anything they can get from the goverment.

Corporations aka the private sector, continue to lay off Americans and hire overseas. Shameful as it sounds, they could even use tax payer bail out TARP funds to do so. Buy American rhetoric is being suprressed in fear of a trade war so expect to see Chinese goods continue unabated.

Energy and energy saving companies along with construction and infrastructure projects will see a rise in domestic employment.

California goverment employees are now laid off every other friday.
IF someone has to get a goverment service on those days they will have to wait till monday or tuesday.

The next 5 years will be rougher and more contentious than even the most pessimistic of us expected. Yet a hopeful wisdom from the White House will make the bitter medicine go down easier.

Now that Wall street with all their ex Enron accountants have eaten the lion's share of the world wide economy, it is left to the rest of us to canabalize what's left.

The examples of the intelligent and generous act by either government or corporations during this "grand" recession will probably be few and far between.

So far I am proud of the president finally funding childrens health insurance (SCHIP) and end cruel and unusual treatment by the CIA and military. Any action in keeping with the spirit of our Constitution is a welcome relief.

In short the great debate continues with the Corporate Limbaugh machine calling for trickle down tax breaks and the economists calling for watering the roots of the economy directly.