The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118401   Message #2559469
Posted By: JennieG
06-Feb-09 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Kath and Kim (and similar)
Subject: RE: BS: US Kath and Kim (and similar)
I haven't seen the US Kath and Kim, but Like Helen I enjoy the Ozzie version, perhaps because I have known people who remind me of some of the characters, and because it's a fairly Ozzie humour. Let's face it - different countries have different senses of humour. What tickles the funnybone of a Frenchman will not necessarily make a Venezuelan laugh; and what an American finds uproarious may not raise a smile in a German. (I was told by a German that's almost impossible anyway)

Irony is used a lot in Ozzie humour and some countries just don't get irony. Some people like slapstick - The Three Stooges spring to mind - personally I think it can be cruel and not at all funny. Then there is the Benny Hill/fat lady at the seaside/double entendre British comedy which makes me cringe. All different.

And women and men laugh at different things too!

It must be very difficult to make a comedy show that will appeal to everyone - I suppose the makers are hoping 'their' show, whether it is original or using an idea from somewhere else, may do just that. At the end of the day it's all about ratings, and drawing the advertisers' money to that particular TV network.

Or you could all be like me and not turn the TV on because of the dearth of shows I want to watch!
