The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118245   Message #2559510
Posted By: Sleepy Rosie
06-Feb-09 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
Subject: RE: BS: Nurse Suspended for praying ????
I was sort of making a point there. As stated previously, I am Gnostic in my beliefs, and these are images - which despite their graphic nature and rather subversive humour - nevertheless still embody quite genuine Gnostic beliefs - as may be found in slightly less contemporary form in the Gnostic myths and gospels.

I wondered if anyone on this list might be offended by me shoving their noses into my beliefs?

I know that the way I in which I attempted to make this point, was rather melodramatic. And I suspect it will look incredibly childish and pointless to most. But it was purposive, for I hoped it might potentially generate some reconsideration of the possible offense and sense of intrusion, that other forms of *superficially benign* proselytisation could very genuinely cause to those of us, who do not subscribe to mainstream Christianity, or indeed to any form of spiritual faith.

Even so, I have a feeling that not too many people will buy that!
And on that no doubt unsatisfactory note, I'll now leave this thread to those who wish to continue debating.