The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2559579
Posted By: heatherblether
06-Feb-09 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
To Bearded bruce
Those Israeli political and military who were up to their necks in the blood and gore of innocent children will have their freedom of speech in a court of international law...but until that day i am all in favour of people calling for their their arrest ...the big difference is the demonstrators in London did not use phospherous bombs or blow up apartment blocks filled with civilians.

Actually as i understand it they blocked the front door and later a busy street and one person shinned up a drainpipe to a window ledge. Of course the British police were there...not to arrest the war criminal but to drag off a few demonstrators including the window ledge man.

Which tells us a little more about the role of the police and the nature of the state. Of course the state of Israel is a hijack state ,founded on the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and the wholesale theft of their land.

I notice today that the Israelis hijacked a Lebanese ship on the high seas in order to prevent it carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza.