The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2559619
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
06-Feb-09 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.

That was pretty low, your comment about David Irving. If you know anything about him, you know his writings are all available, and he is free to speak his mind in all places except the few countries--Austria and Germany and a couple of others, but not the US--where Holocaust Denial is a crime akin to incitement against Jews. If I had my druthers, those laws wouldn't exist. But those countries have their own guilt to deal with regarding the Holocaust.

While he makes himself out a victim, he has been found by a British Court to be a Holocaust Denier. This was not the government's attempt to silence him. It was the verdict to a libel suit HE filed against an American professor who had so characterized him. She had the burden of proving that he Was what she claimed, a Holocaust Denier (as opposed to in the States where he would have had to prove he wasn't).

Irving was, in essence, silenced by his own actions, hoist on his own petard, in filing the suit.

His books are still available at should you care to purchase any.