The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118410   Message #2559780
Posted By: bald headed step child
07-Feb-09 - 02:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: You and the stimulus plan
Subject: RE: BS: You and the stimulus plan
Riginslinger, if you look at what Kennedy did it was not really a tax cut, although that is what Reaganomics wants you to believe.

At the time Kennedy made those cuts the nominal rate was around 74%?, but through loopholes those people were only paying around 28-30%.

Kennedy dropped the nominal rate, but at the same time he closed the loopholes, so the net effect was actually a tax increase on the ultra rich. That is what is needed now to bring things back around.

Put simply, if you know the money in excess of say $3.5 million is going to be taxed at a rate of 74% would you take the money to buy a new car or boat, or would you invest it back into your company, maybe create a job or two, to avoid paying the heavier tax? That is how you build a sustainable economy, instead of a get rich quick, screw anyone who gets in your way economy.