The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118410   Message #2560418
Posted By: GUEST,Susu's Hubby
07-Feb-09 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: You and the stimulus plan
Subject: RE: BS: You and the stimulus plan
"Why is it that people always see arts & education as the 1st items to throw overboard when the cutting comes about. You can't really seperate the two, they're twins. How about drop the idea of building a fence/wall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. Arts & education can't afford the cuts after being surgically diced & sliced after the past 8 yrs."


Here is where your logic is way flawed.

1. The bill is to STIMULATE growth. Not put things back to where you think they need to be. Besides, how much growth can one really expect with the NEA?
2. There are no CUTS to anything here. It's only throwing additional money that could be better spent elsewhere at something that has no real hope of helping 300 million hurting Americans.

And on the education front, I'm for giving money to education. As long as it goes towards the students and not into the pockets of the Union thugs that think they need to be re-payed for getting dems elected this past November.

And while we're at it...let's give some of that education money to private schools as well. That's something else that is not in the education "stimulus" section. Do the research....not a penny is there for private education. Could it be because there is NO UNION REPRESENTATION in the private schools? There should be no "pick and choose" when it comes to education. It's our children that we're talking about here.

This bill was doomed from the start.

President Obama says that a stimulus bill is a spending bill. But not all the spending in this bill will create the stimulus needed to get people back to work. A lot of trimming is needed on this monster. And it's needed now, more than ever.
