The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118455   Message #2560559
Posted By: Gorgeous Gary
07-Feb-09 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: Tom Paxton Lifetime Achievement Grammy!
Subject: Tom Paxton Lifetime Achievement Grammy!
Unless I totally skipped over the thread I guess I'm first to the 'Cat with this, which surprises me. Anyway, Tom Paxton has been selected to receive the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award(!) The award will also be announced during the televised award ceremony tomorrow night on CBS.

His latest CD, Comedians and Angels (a good 'un!) was also nominated in the "Best Traditional Folk Album" category.

And there was a very nice, sweet and amusing article in today's Washington Post. In fact, I'm not sure what impresses me more--that Paxton nets a Lifetime Achievement Grammy or that the Post Style section publishes a complimentary article about an artist/culture/entertainment form I like!

-- Gary