The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23155   Message #256072
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
11-Jul-00 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: Appalled.
Subject: RE: Appalled.
People vary, butspeaking about it in terms of a small number of "races" oversimplified it and distorts it.

What happens is you've got a whole spectrum of minor variations. You just can't draw a line at any point, except where there have been shifts of population which have brought together people from widely varied geographical origins. Which is of course what happened with America, and what happened with European imperialism.

Som you'll find p[laces where people are pretty well jet black, and you'll find places where people are very pale, and go red if they're put in the sun for long.And georgahically in between those places you've got people all the intermediate shades, and at no point could you really draw a line and say "this person belongs to a white race" and "this person belongs to a black race". You could of course say "this person is blacker than that person" or "this person is white than that person", for what it's worth.

What puzzles me about all this stuff with keeping people out of other countries is, since everyone in power seems pretty well agreed that globalisation of everything to do with money and trade is a good idea, and barriers to trade are a bad thing - how come barriers to human beings are still seen as necessary and sensible? Not just individuals you might have some reason to keep out, but whole swathes of people.