The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8683   Message #256105
Posted By: bob jr
11-Jul-00 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: The Bob Dylan Mystique
Subject: RE: The Bob Dylan Mystique
well i got to throw in two cents here unfortuantly you here an awful lot about "new bob dylans" but never new tom paxtons or new phil ochs and let me tell you if you have to wonder why then you might as well keep your head in the sand (not where i think it is but i am gonna be polite for once) bob didnt write great songs? please i could list about 50 0f the top of my head ewan macollic? the first time ever i heard his nonsense was enough although the pogues did a good version of dirty old town as for paxton i cant even be bothered but i do like phil ochs but mostly just his last album "my kingdom for a car" now there is protest music anyone can understand, just compare only a pawn in their game to phil's death of medgar evans to see why one was considered a "genius" and the other "a folk singer"