The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117124   Message #2561261
Posted By: Bill H //\\
08-Feb-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Seeger, Paxton -- Grammy?
Subject: RE: Seeger, Paxton -- Grammy?
In my interview with Tom Paxton he commented that he doubts he will win since the other contenders are so outstanding. Of course, he states, people will say--" never know"but, as he said- "..I do and I have been right 3 times now".

He is, however, getting a life achievment award with people far different than his genre of music--as he stated---"go figure". But he does love the Grammys, he said---great parties and you meet really big names. I would hope that others would be as thrilled to meet him as well.

Bill Hahn