The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117951   Message #2561622
Posted By: Raggytash
09-Feb-09 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
Subject: RE: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat 2009
Not a problem, all funds raised are crossed counted by a willing volunteer(s) on the night, they are then given to the Treasurer of the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat, normally by hand, and a receipt issued. I have a large collection of receipts and letters of thanks from past years which anyone is welcome to peruse
All details of the committee can be found on their website, just for your information we have been raising monies for over 10 years and are, I believe, their biggest fundraisers. Should you wish to contact any of the committee I am sure they would verify the amounts raised over the years, the treasurer is named Andrew Hargreaves.
Two years ago the crew and committee made me the first Hononary Life Member of The Friends of Runswick Bay Rescue Boat" as a token of thanks for all the funds you good people have donated over the years, me I'm just the catalyst.

