The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23238   Message #256353
Posted By: Davey
12-Jul-00 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there a 'Canadian' style?
Subject: Is there a 'Canadian' style?
In the 'Pics of Rick Fielding' thread, Guest I guess asked about a perceived difference that Canadian performers appear to have (in their music? performing style?) I'd like to share some thoughts and get some feedback..

I think it's partly due to our cultural differences. Canadians tend to be modest, somewhat self-effacing, and not prone to tooting our own horns. Americans are more gregarious, very steeped in a sort of 'rah-rah' nationalism that's fostered by the media and through the school system. Americans,therefore, sometimes come across as more agressive and can sometimes appear pushy.

These are generalizations, I know, but they arise out of discussions I've had with various people. I attend a yearly music camp known as The Woods. A few years ago Bennet and Lorraine Lee Hammond were on staff. Towards the end of the camp, Bennett mentioned that we have a great and a caring society here. I asked him how he could tell that by spending a week with us, and he replied that a community of 70 people is like a microcosm of the whole society, reflecting that society's attitudes.

This is, of course, highly subjective and only one opinion.

Another difference is in subject matter, as we focus on our own history and create a body of music around that theme, rather than sing American traditional songs, not that there is anything wrong with the American traditional songs, since I, and many other Canadians sing and play them regularly. On the other hand, I don't know of any American performers who are playing and singing traditional Canadian music. There's my $.02, so let the discussion begin, and be nice..'BG'

Davey... (:>)