The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118525   Message #2563760
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
11-Feb-09 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: should the BBC folk awards be scrapped
Subject: RE: should the BBC folk awards be scrapped
Ok Ok Dick I apologise.
But......Where is the funding to come from for your grand scheme to help the masses appreciate their history and tradition?
I'll put in a fiver if you do the same.
Reality check here. Strictly come dancing, either on ice or concrete or in a mud bath gets funding. A Bloke singing a song with a beard and a concertina doesn't.
It's not going to happen. Let us all just appreciate the crumbs that are thrown our way. Celebrate the winners and the runners ups at the only Folk award ceremony in the UK. Thank BBC4 and Channel 5 for occasionally broadcasting some interesting programmes. (Remember the 60's? All those bloody hay bales?)
You want more? Go on then. You pay for it. Sure as hell the BBC won't.
Look at the problem that the new Morris film is having getting a distribution deal.
Anyway as you say. You live in Ireland. So what's it got to do with you? Go and moan at RTE.
I think that, all things considered The English media is doing rather well at the moment. Not perfect, but...