The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118561   Message #2563978
Posted By: sirmago
11-Feb-09 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reverend Wright said, God Damn America'
Subject: BS: Reverend Wright said, God Damn America'
Reverend Wright said, "God Damn America," and his request was answered!

We currently have a President and Congress that not only includes Democrats (mindless socialists) but a number of useless hacks called Republicans.   A Democratic Senator said yesterday that we the American people don't care about a little pork (a few billion dollars worth that is tainted) in the Stimulus bill. According to him, in order to make the Stimulus salad palatable, we need some pork accompanied by a large smattering of democratic manure. Folks, the meals on the menu for the next four and maybe eight years, with its awful taste and smell, will be a revelation to our overweight society. During the election, I sent out a blog agreeing that this new misfit from Chicago running for President was a wonderful speaker but his words had no substance. His words still have no substance, he said to the CEO's invited to the White House at the end of January, that they were the impetus for returning America to its strong global economic standing.   Only ten days later, he has a press conference and says, the Government, his government will be the impetus for returning America to its strong global economic standing.   

As is the case with most interns and believe me, from my perspective, he is an intern. He is a micro-manager and the only thing we know for sure about him, is that he is elusive and has no leadership knowledge to fall back on. His handling of the lady asking for a house with a toilet, bath, and kitchen was superb. "See my staff when we are finished here and they will help you." There are millions of people like this women that sees the President as the Messiah, and they are waiting for him to turn the one fish and one loaf of bread into enough to feed all those folks like that lady. His Executive Orders are all useless but typical issues to show us that he is omnipotent. His responses on all of these issues are irresponsible because he never thought out the consequences. He is a Peter Principle person, promoted to a position beyond his capability. On GITMO he acted to try all the prisoners and move them out into prisons in the USA. Why not try them and if they are guilty put them back in GITMO or send them back to IRAQ or wherever. On providing financial support for International abortion clinics and sexual diseases, has he failed to reconcile our poor citizens in Appalachia that need fresh water, food, clothing and better schools? This President is unaware that Appalachia exists. He is unaware that these are our people. He is unaware and has not mentioned the unemployed and homeless Veterans that made his running for President possible because they fought while he sat on his duff smoked pot and drank a beer with a voter.

I was in the service, not a hero like those fighting servicemen in the wars that we were in since I was born. I was in a support function in the service of my country in Korea. I love my country and would die to protect it and its citizens. We must ask the question, would this President do the same? I apologize for using God name in vain, perhaps Reverend Wright got us what he asked for.