The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118561   Message #2564002
Posted By: Big Mick
11-Feb-09 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reverend Wright said, God Damn America'
Subject: RE: BS: Reverend Wright said, God Damn America'
I was in the service, not a hero like those fighting servicemen in the wars that we were in since I was born. I was in a support function in the service of my country in Korea. I love my country and would die to protect it and its citizens. sirmago

..... and this makes you special, how? I have a newsflash for you, son. There are a number of us "Democrats (mindless socialists)" who put on the uniform of our country, shed some blood, and love it with all our hearts. Some of us even think that community organizing, union organizing, working with the poor, seeking to solve the problems of poverty, and educating cliche' spouting numbskulls like you, is every bit the patriotic service that our military time was. You really ought to learn to think on your own instead of applying catch all cliche's that some news(?)hound wants you to buy into.

This problem was created by folks like you voting for the bunch that has now been discredited. Have you tried to get a job lately? Have you looked at your retirement account? Have you ever wondered, like I have, how average folks could be raped by the capitalist elite and still spout the rhetoric that the same elite want you too. Wake up, sirmago. You are a pawn of those that would destroy you. This man is three weeks into a campaign of undoing 20+ years of Reaganomic inspired insanity. It will take years to fix. .....or ...... go ahead and continue being a puppet for those that think you should be a serf.

rant off,
