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Thread #118525   Message #2564286
Posted By: Howard Jones
11-Feb-09 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: should the BBC folk awards be scrapped
Subject: RE: should the BBC folk awards be scrapped
Guest KenJ, you're right, there is a lot of good stuff being "broadcast" on the internet, some of it even coming from the BBC. That doesn't get around the fact that most people listen to the radio on a radio set, at home or in the car.

I live less than 60 miles from Shrewsbury but I can't receive Genevieve Tudor's programme on Radio Shropshire unless I go online. The only nationwide folk radio programme is, as you say, a very good guide for the general listener - that more or less sums up its remit - but has little for anyone who is more involved. There is also a strong emphasis on Irish and American music - nothing wrong with either, but it would be nice to hear the British Broadcasting Corporation focussing a bit more on British music.