The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118598   Message #2564985
Posted By: Donuel
12-Feb-09 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: How can I defend myself?
Subject: BS: How can I defend myself?
Over the decade you kind people have offered great real life advice that I have used effectively whether it was directed to me personally or to others.

I am totally stumped this time and expect there is no defense against what I am facing.

I am possibly being attacked with allegations and investigations in which false claims are both legal and welcomed by the goverment.
I know a tossed penny can come up heads ten times in a row but when the same tactic happens to you ten times in 4 years you too would feel it may not be mere chance.

So far in 4 years there have been:
6 allegations (tips that generate income to tipster if any penalties are extracted) that we have not filed federal taxes. We are innocent but could not find one 110 year old receipt.

2 allegations of unsubstantiated child abuse. [innocent again]

and one investigation of property taxes in which the State is moving to publicly auction our home on March 6th.

This latest claim is most curious indeed. Our lawyer says that the State seems to have changed the amount of sales tax on our home 4 years ago and has added fees and penalties of $8,000. On top of that the Sate records show that one year they failed to cash our payment for a full year and as a result they added 4 years worth of fees and penalties. Only the State is allowed to compute the tax could this be?

It is possible someone may have changed the records to trigger the auction of our home which would think would be a criminal act.

The problem is, no one is accountable and any annoymous claim that triggers a tax review or unsubstantiated charge is protected by law whether it is knowingly false or maliciously intended.

The officer that served the auction papers mentioned to me that he has seen a huge number of predatory tax allegations in my county compared to the rest of the State. This is a county in which the State Police and Homeland Security have targeted thousands of people to be investigated for opposing war or making anti Bush remarks and have only recently begun to send out letters to inform the groups and individuals involved that this practice is being ended. Yes they even went after the Quakers again.

If my problem is not mere chance, is this kind of predatory practice somthing a disgruntled neighbor would do, is this a process commonly used by evangelical groups... How will I ever know?

With times this lean, another escalating 4 years of this would reach our financial breaking point.