The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8683   Message #256625
Posted By: catspaw49
12-Jul-00 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: The Bob Dylan Mystique
Subject: RE: The Bob Dylan Mystique
Well now ain't that the truth.

Meebo, "Blonde on Blonde" caught plenty of bad raps but it has a few classics too. Because of the sheer volume of work and the progression/regressions Dylan has gone through, most of his albums have had their share of flak and praise and its possible to find something you like on most.

When this thread started (almost two years ago) I said then that Dylan has a strange place in my heart since in his case more than anyone elses, I find myself ignoring a song for years, often just hating the damn thing. Then one day something clicks and its at the top of my list. The last one that happened with was awhile back, but was "Lay Down Your Weary Tune." One day it just hit me......Damn!!! What a song!!!
