The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118525   Message #2567250
Posted By: evansakes
15-Feb-09 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: should the BBC folk awards be scrapped
Subject: RE: should the BBC folk awards be scrapped
Faye said ........"I can imagine the conversation that goes on around the judging table"

How many more times does this this need to be said?
There is no judging table!! It's a secret ballot.

........."The Claque"

The people who get seen my thousands are going to stand more of a chance of getting noticed and acknowledged than those that are seen by dozens. That's a simple fact of life and no doubt the reason why your favourite band didn't win. No qualitative comparisons are being made but most people would agree you have to earn the right to get noticed.

........"replace them with a show that features all sorts of folk performers, famous and otherwise"

No-one would want to fund it, no-one would broadcast or write about it, no vital publicity would ensue. In good would become of it.