The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118410   Message #2568167
Posted By: Riginslinger
16-Feb-09 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: You and the stimulus plan
Subject: RE: BS: You and the stimulus plan
Now that the stimulus package has been enacted by Congress, the question remains, who was it designed to help? The House mandated that projects using stimulus money would have to use the E-Verify system for the purpose of ensuring that people employed under the program were legal to live and work in the country. The Senate version took E-Verify out and efforts by the joint conference committee to put it back in were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the Obama Administration has delayed implementation of a rule that would have required federal contractors to use E-Verify, and the president further indicates he will happily sign the stimulus bill as is.
        What this tells those of us who follow such things is, both Congress and the new administration intend for the stimulus money to go to people who are not legally here and who will gleefully send 80% of their earnings out of the country. Now, if we only knew where all of that money will end up, American taxpayers could go there and be stimulated.