The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118721   Message #2569054
Posted By: Bobert
17-Feb-09 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
Subject: RE: BS: So, What Makes's a Woman Happy!
Good golley, Miss Molley...

A womenz thread that I did ***not*** start!!!

Stop the presses... Get Ripley on the phone...

But seein' as I am the resident expert on womenz I'll put my 2 cents worth in... What makes 'um happy is listenin' to 'um ramble and if ya' do that the clues are in the ramblin'... They will tell ya' what will make 'um happy and then you do or get 'um what they want, ya' get laid fir doin' 'er gettin' and then the process begins again...

Purdy simple...

