The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8683   Message #257124
Posted By: Rick Fielding
13-Jul-00 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: The Bob Dylan Mystique
Subject: RE: The Bob Dylan Mystique
Bob jr. 25 years ago, after getting into my umpteenth debate with a "serious" folkie about why I thought Zimmerman was the most important folk performer of his day, I decided, "aw screw it", I'm done talkin' about him". Not a chance...he still inspires passions...even when he comes out with crap that would have killed any other singer's carreer. In my (occasionally) humble opinion, THAT'S what made him the most important. And I LOVE all that Ewan MacColl trad stuff! I just think that (for example) Dylan's take on Lord Randall (Hard Rain) is as important as MacColl's "true to the tradition" version.

Guest, I guess. Tacky though it may be, I agree with you about dying young. Most of us here have missed our chance.
