The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13073   Message #2571576
Posted By: Fidjit
20-Feb-09 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: Your most recent 10 songs
Subject: RE: Your most recent 10 songs
Hey John P see you are into Polska's. Well done.

Went through the list to see what I was doing three years ago

2006 it's :

"Gretna Green" Tony Philip's. Written for a Blacksmith's theme evening.
"What's The Use Of Wings". Brian Bedford. Wonderful use of words.
"Banks Of The Dee". Trad, via Norma Waterson.
"Claudy Banks". Trad, via Alex Campbell.
"Colin And Pheobe". Trad, via Ed Rennie.
"Carrion Crow". Trad, from Alfred William's "Folksongs Of The Upper Thames"
"Barefoot Dangler. Freebee, from ElGreko's website. Thanks George.
"Dockyard Gate". Trad, via Pete Bellamy.
"Channels". Graham Perry, via Pete Harris. I was a "Lecky" on Union Castle Line for two years so I know the feeling in this one.
"Get Up And Go". Pete Seeger. Pete wrote this when he was 39! He thought he was getting old. Now nearly twice that! Nice one Pete.

Still singing them, but

Last night's gig was

Banbury Bill       Played on Melodeon
The Keeper.   Now that's a nice golden oldie That I'm trying to learn to sing with my new, "Box of Gold" melodeon

July Wakes.   Which I got years ago off a, dare I say it, Mike Harding LP.

Colin & Pheobe

Lancashire Jazz Band.    Which I got from The Oldham Tinkers LP.

Putting on the Style.   Lonnie Donegan favorite.
Barrington Hornpipe    Played on Concertina
Carrion Crow            Alfred William's version
The Gray Mare          Classic Bellamy

Harpa.    The Norwegian version of, The Cruel Sister. Which I last sung at the death count session at Sidmouth last year.

Rambling Sailor.    Which I now do with a break for to hear the original version that I now have on a cd via a pod cast I got from the British library. The original is from 1907 recordings on wax cylinder from the Ralph Vaughan Williams collection

Here We Come A-wassailing.    Still wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

Plus a couple of Swedish tunes to finish

Engelska frän Ödskolt and SlengPolsk frän Kuma
