The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118835   Message #2572993
Posted By: Ptarmigan
22-Feb-09 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Obit: The Death of the English Pub.
Subject: RE: Obit: The Death of the English Pub.
It's not only the smoking ban that is encouraging folks to stay at home & drink there.

Surely, cheap drink that is easily obtained at any local Supermarket, must also be to blame.

"The best premium lager deal right now has to be Stella at Morrisons:

2 x 18 packs (440ml) Stella for £16. Equivalent to 44p a can, or 57p a pint."

Just for the record, this is my local Session Pub here in Ireland.
At the moment it is thriving, but when the present owners retire, I dread to think what knew owners might do with this wonderful olde worlde establishment!
