The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118895   Message #2573762
Posted By: quokka
23-Feb-09 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: Folk vs. Country
Subject: RE: Folk vs. Country
It depends how narrow (or broad)you like your definitons...I love a great variety of 'folk music' and also what some people call 'country'...and then there are some amazing musicians and singers who seem to transcend such narrow categories, like Emmy Lou Harris or Hank Wlliams or Alison Krauss, or even our very own Bruce Murdoch!Idont get Shania Twain et al...sorry if I am offending anyone here! Yet I love most of the stuff that's modern folk...the trendy term now is 'roots' or "blues'n'roots" music, at least that's how it's marketed here in Australia. It actually covers a great variety of different styles that are sort of hard to categorise in the traditional sense - which suits me fine. Some of the best music of the last fifty years is a hybrid of two or more different styles anyway...just my opinion!! Feel free to disagree ;-)

