The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118826   Message #2574260
Posted By: Bobert
23-Feb-09 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bye, bye, Pontiac...
Subject: RE: BS: Bye, bye, Pontiac...
Listen, Richard... I was 13 years old at the time, goldnaged it... I just heard on NPR that 13 year old's brains ain't all that developed... Of course, mine never did

Shame on you, Bill... I bet you have an autographed "Unsafe at Any Speed"... Nothin' wrong with the Corvair... Great car... Okay, the fan belt's had issues but, hey, who cares... You could put the sumabich back on with 1 9/16th open end wrench... Or was it 5/8s... No matter... Great car...


Yers leaked oil???

Yeah, okay the pre-64s di leak a little oil... No reason to go mean-mouthin' the best Chevy that was ever built...

(Best Chevy ever built, Boberdz??? That is a stretch...)

Hey, it beat the Vega, the Monza, the Citation, the Chevette, the 350 deisels, the Cavaliers, tec. all to heck and back...

I'm with Rigs... Get rid of the Oldsmobiles... They ahve always been junk... That's why the only folks who have ever bought them were our grandfatehrs who suffer from half-heimerz... No one in their right mind would buy an Oldsmobile...

(Thats why they call them "Olds"mobiles, Bobz...)

