The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118929   Message #2574520
Posted By: Mr Happy
24-Feb-09 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum Folk & Boat Festival 2009
Subject: Blitherscrum Folk & Boat Festival 2009
Due to problems in the past few years from flooding, the committee has arranged a brand new site for this year쳌fs festival.

It쳌fll be close to the old site near the village in order that full advantage can still be taken of the local hostelries and other amenities.

The big difference this time will be the precautions taken to defeat any disruptions caused by bad weather.

These will consist of stilts and rafts on which the campsite and marquees will be situated.

Should there be any flash floods or serious inundations of water, then all of the accommodation should ride the storm successfully.

To get around all the areas, each person will be issued with an inflatable dinghy and there쳌fll be family size ones for those with young children

Another major change this year is that our prime sponsorship patrons will be different.

In the past, we쳌fd been able to access grants from the local council and from the European Social Fund, but due to the recent economic recession, these funds are no longer available.

Instead, we쳌fve approached some investors from the TV show, Dragon쳌fs Den, who have agreed to put up the money at reasonable percentages.

All in all, we쳌fve every confidence that this year쳌fs event should be the best ever, as with the extra funding, we쳌fve been able to engage a fantastic line up of premier folk superstars!

Watch this space for further announcements!