The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118929   Message #2574712
Posted By: Georgiansilver
24-Feb-09 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Blitherscrum Folk & Boat Festival 2009
Subject: RE: Blitherscrum Folk & Boat Festival 2009
Those of you bringing canoes should remember to pack all the relevant equipment or you could be up the creek without a paddle!. Regarding the Toilets... as they are under water this year the faulty flushes have not been fixed as it was considered a waste of money. The money saved can be spent on many divers projects.   The old beds in the indoor camping shed have been thrown out so you are asked to sleep in the inflatables as they will provide a good degree of comfort... and should the water rise you will rise with it. If there is not room for your whole family in one inflatable then please bring blow up 'lilo' beds for the children... but do harness them to something to avoid them floating away in the night.
We are hopeful that everything will go down well this year.