The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4672   Message #25749
Posted By: Max
14-Apr-98 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: The Mudcat is 10x faster
Subject: RE: The Mudcat is 10x faster
Well said bill. Yes, all images you see posted in the forum are on other machines. I get annoyed sometimes when my viewing pleasure is held up by some completely pointless image someone felt the need to post, so I still hold to keep them to a minimum.

Also, we are a week or two away from a new version of the forum that allows you to upload images, songs, midi, and all kinds of multimedia as a link. This will allow the user to chose whether he or she would like to download it.

And yes, it will have a chat room. I am also going to begin accepting stories, articles, reviews and pictures from festivals and such. I would like to be more of a publication on a continual basis. Soon as I get my head together, (the IRS nearly banckrupted me this year) I will tell you more about it and get moving on it.